BEM CSS Framework: Building Modular and Maintainable Styles

3 min readSep 26, 2023


Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) are the backbone of web design, responsible for the aesthetics and layout of web pages. While CSS is powerful, it can become complex and challenging to manage, especially in larger projects. This is where BEM CSS Framework comes into play. BEM, which stands for Block, Element, and Modifier, is a methodology and naming convention that promotes the creation of modular and maintainable styles. In this article, we will explore what BEM is, how it works, and why it’s a valuable tool for web developers.

Understanding BEM

Blocks, Elements, and Modifiers

BEM is based on a straightforward naming system that classifies styles into three categories: Blocks, Elements, and Modifiers.

1. Blocks: Blocks are the primary building blocks of a web page. They represent standalone, reusable components or sections, such as headers, footers, menus, or buttons. In BEM, block names are written in all lowercase and separated by hyphens, like `header`, `menu`, or `button`.

2. Elements: Elements are the components within blocks that can’t stand alone and are only meaningful within the context of their parent block. They are denoted by two underscores (`__`), and their names are appended to the block name, like `header__logo` or `menu__item`.

3. Modifiers: Modifiers are used to alter the appearance or behavior of blocks or elements. Modifiers are identified by two hyphens (` — `) and are added to the block or element they modify, such as `button — primary` or `menu__item — active`.

The BEM methodology emphasizes strict separation between the structure and style of your HTML elements, making it easier to create and maintain CSS rules.

Benefits of Using BEM

1. Improved Readability

BEM promotes self-descriptive class names, making it clear what each class represents. This improves code readability and understanding, both for you and your fellow developers.

2. Reusability

By breaking down your styles into blocks, elements, and modifiers, you can easily reuse and combine them in various parts of your website, reducing redundancy and saving development time.

3. Maintainability

BEM’s modular structure simplifies the maintenance of your styles. When you need to make changes or updates, you can do so within the specific block, element, or modifier, without affecting unrelated parts of your site.

4. Collaboration

BEM’s standardized naming conventions facilitate collaboration among team members, ensuring consistency and reducing the chances of naming conflicts.

5. Scalability

BEM scales well, making it suitable for both small and large projects. As your project grows, the structure remains organized and manageable.

How to Implement BEM

Implementing BEM in your web project is straightforward:

1. Naming Conventions: Choose meaningful names for your blocks, elements, and modifiers, following the BEM convention. Ensure that your class names are descriptive and reflect the purpose of the HTML element.

2. HTML Structure: Structure your HTML documents in a way that reflects the hierarchy of your blocks and elements. Apply the appropriate BEM classes to each element.

3. CSS Styling: Write your CSS styles using BEM naming conventions. Be explicit in targeting specific blocks, elements, or modifiers to avoid unintended style clashes.

<div class=”header”>
<div class=”header__logo”>
<a class=”header__logo-link” href=”/”>Logo</a>
<nav class=”header__nav”>
<ul class=”header__nav-list”>
<li class=”header__nav-item header__nav-item — active”>
<a class=”header__nav-link” href=”/”>Home</a>
<li class=”header__nav-item”>
<a class=”header__nav-link” href=”/about”>About</a>

.header {
background-color: #333;
color: #fff;

.header__logo {
font-size: 24px;

.header__nav {
margin-top: 20px;

.header__nav-item {
display: inline-block;

.header__nav-item — active {
font-weight: bold;

The BEM CSS framework is a valuable tool for web developers looking to create modular and maintainable styles. By following the simple naming conventions of BEM and structuring your HTML and CSS accordingly, you can improve readability, reusability, maintainability, collaboration, and scalability in your web projects. Embracing BEM can lead to more efficient development and, ultimately, a better user experience on your website. So, consider incorporating BEM into your web development toolkit and experience the benefits for yourself.




Written by Yaasir

I’m curious, and I enjoy work that challenges me to learn something new and stretch in a different direction. I do my best to stay on top of constant changes.

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